Hier ein paar erste Informationsbrocken aus einem Interview mit John Eaves:
Wie ich bereits vermutet habe, wird ein neues Schiff dafür designt und kein altes genommen.
- The Ent negative-A has something of an Akira-esque look to it, and is smaller than a Constitution, but they haven't yet nailed down an exact length figure as of the time of the interview. (Please oh please not another Defiantgate)
- Eaves pitched the idea of using the TMP ship that everyone's been clamouring about here. (Mercifully) said idea was quickly disposed of.
- Everyone's apparently quite pleased with the interior look that got developed, and sets got designed in a relatively straightforward manner. Exterior stuff was a little more convoluted.
- Conflicting word on whether the show'll have transporters or not... Eaves kinda alludes to their not being transporters, which the alleged review of the pilot script at AICN and the DoP said were present. Perhaps transporters might be so iffy that shuttlecraft are the dominant means of transport still?
- As noted in another thread, Eaves description of the dates seems to lean the show closer to the mid 22nd century rather than "the hundred years from now" comments we've been hearing from Noonan.
Wie ich bereits vermutet habe, wird ein neues Schiff dafür designt und kein altes genommen.